SS7 - Message Signal Unit


Message for the transmission of the signalling information.

                      message flow              first bit
                      --------->                LSB  bit1
                  +-- - - - - -+-----+-+---+-+---+-+---+
                  |            |     | |   |F|   |B|   |
             FCS--|     SIF    | SIO | |LI |I|FSN|I|BSN|- HDLC frame
                  |            |     | |>2 |B|   |B|   |
                  +- 8n (n>=2)-+--8--+2+-6-+1+-7-+1+-7-+
                                   MTP Layer 2 header
                               max. 272octet

   BSN:  Backward sequence number (the sequence of a SU being acknowledged)
   BIB:  Backward indicator bit
   FSN:  Forward sequence number (the sequence number of the SU which is carried)
   FIB:  Forward indicator bit
   LI:   Length indicator   > 2  (the number of octets between LI and CK
                                  If it is > 63, then the value is set to 63.)
   SIO:  Service information octet (the type of the SU)
         The coding of the SIO:
           SSF          SI
        sub-service   service   -
        indicator    indicator
          D C B A     D C B A

                      0 0 0 0 - SNMM Signalling network management messages
                      0 0 0 1 - SNTM Signalling network testing and maintenance messages.
                      0 0 1 0 - SPARE
                      0 0 1 1 - SCCP (Signalling Connection Control Part)
                      0 1 0 0 - TUP (Telephone User Part)
                      0 1 0 1 - ISUP (ISDN User Part)
                      0 1 1 0 - DUP (call and circuit-related messages)
                      0 1 1 1 - DUP (facility registration and cancellation)

                      1 0 0 0 - Reserved for MTP Testing User Part
                      1 0 0 1 - Broadband ISDN User Part
                      1 0 1 0 - Satellite ISDN User Part
                      . . . . - spare

          0 0 x x - international network
          0 1 x x - spare
          1 0 x x - national network
          1 1 x x - reserved for national use

   SIF:  Signalling information field (the content of the SU)   2 <= size <= 272 octet